储液器的作用是储存供给蒸发器的液体制冷剂,同时当系统维修的时候,储液器也能储存系统中所有制冷剂。 The function is to store the liquid refrigerant which supplied to evaporator, Whilst, the liquid receive is capable of storing all the refrigerants in system when maintaining the system. undefined undefined ●设计为在正常运作和系统维修期间存储制冷剂所用 Designed for refrigerants storage in system operating or maintaining ●允许系统进行调整以适应不同的系统条件和负载 System adjustment is allowed to suit with different condition or load ●储液器兼容HFC、HCFC、CFC制冷剂和它们相应的油 Products are compatible with HFCs, HCFCs, CFCs,as well as with their associated oils and additives ●配有高档进口旋转截止阀或可溶解的安全阀门 We provide the high quality imported revoling stopvalve or meltable Safety valve 产品说明 Specifications 所有型号立式、卧式储液器均可根据客户要求定制。 All the typs of vertical and horizontal receivers can adjust as per custormer's requirement. 命名方式 例如 ZRS-2.2 Nomenclature:For Example ZRS-2.2 ZRS 2.2 Stretch Vertical Series Volume(L) 尺寸数据 Dimensional Data 型号 Description 接管尺寸(in)Connection Size (ODF) 外形尺寸(mm)Dimensions 进口(in)Inlet(ODF) 出口(in)Outlet(ODF) L A ZRS2.2 3/8 3/8 210 120