高压冷媒在经过冷凝器的算热效果之后,或为液态及气态的状态,但是必须在液态的情况进入蒸发器,才能有良好的制冷效果,因此就必须装置此一储液器的设备,来使高压冷媒储存于此,然后再由底部抽出液态冷媒送至蒸发器,才能使蒸发器发挥到极限,而达到较好的制冷效果。 The high pressure refrigerant turns to liquid and gas status after it goes through condenser, but in order to get the best cooling effect, it must be on liquid status when enter the evaporator. Therefore, a refrigerant receiver be required, to store the high pressure refrigerant and then extract the liquid refrigerant from the bottom to the evaporator. It makes the evaporator achieve the best cooling effect. undefined undefined undefined undefined 1、表面耐腐蚀的静电喷涂工艺,防止壳体外生锈; 2、耐用钢制壳体提高了适用寿命; 3、配有高档旋转截止阀或可溶解的安全阀门。 产品说明 Specifications 所有型号立式、卧式储液器均可根据客户要求定制。 All the typs of vertical and horizontal receivers can adjust as per custormer's requirement. 尺寸数据 Dimensional Data 型号 Description 接管尺寸(in)Connection Size (ODF) 外形尺寸(mm)Dimensions 容量(L)Volume 进口(in)Inlet(SAE) 出口(in)Outlet(SAE) A L ZRA-101-2 3/8 1/4 90 200 0.95 ZRA-101-3 3/8 3/8 90 200 0.95