ZRB系列球阀为手动调节的截止阀,双向流通无方向限制,操作比其它截止阀方便。用于冷藏、冷冻和空气调节装置的液体、吸气和热汽管路上。 特点: ●该阀全开时提供较大流量,流动无压力降,全闭时严密性 较好,同时该阀的工作温度范围宽广:-40℃—+140℃ This valve can provide the largest flow quantity when it is totally opened and it sealed tightly when it is closed. Furthermore, the application areas of this kind of valve is extensive: -40℃~+140℃ ●阀体为氩弧焊接结构,从全开到全闭只有1/4圈,且全开全闭 均有旋转限制 Hermetically welded construction. One quarter turn from fully open to fully closed valve, rotation stop for fully open and fully closed valve ●所有阀均有螺纹固定孔,可用于仪表板上安装 All the valves have the SAE fixed hole, could be installed on panel