ZRH型储液、积液、省能热交换器采用气液分离器、储液器和热交换器组合设计、能有效调节系统液体流量功能、更能发挥冷冻能力、保证压缩机的较佳运行。 特点: ●节省用电:将旧式低压液分离因滴水而浪费的冷度和电力完全回收到 高压储液器液体内而增强冷度,又节省用电 Electric energy saving: Using the wasting refrigeration capacity caused by the low-pressure side of accumulator, to cool the liquid in the high pressure liquid receiver ●增强冷冻效果:因高压储液器和低压气液分离器内之冷媒,进行热交换 而产生过冷却和适当过热,使循环中的冷媒(焓)值增加,在蒸发时 能发挥 到较大冷冻能力 Increasing the refrigeration effect: heat exchange between the accumulator and liquid receiver increases over refrigerating or over heating of the system and thus increase refrigeration capability ●避免液压缩,确保没有液体回流到压缩器中引起液体压缩 Avoiding the liquid compression: Ensure no liquid returns to the compressor and causes liquid compressed ●增加价值感,提升整机美观,没有滴水润滑,发霉发臭,污染周围环境 的现象 Overall aesthetic style, no water dripping and lubricating, and no